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Rar! |
Monday, November 18, 2013
Neat New Header +Arnold K. Made Me
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The Omen- A Cleric Variant Class
HD: d6
Saves: as Cleric
Attacks: as Cleric
Advances: as Cleric
Prime Requisites: Wisdom and Constitution. Characters with a 13 in both Wisdom and Constitution get +5% to XP.
At first level and each time you level, roll once on the table below.
1-20: +1 to hit.
21-40: +1 to saves.
41-50: You get a spell slot, roll for a spell on the appropriate table.
51-55: Roll for a spell, and you can attempt to cast that spell (by rolling a 1 on a d6) a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Roll this again and 2/6, etc. Failure has consequences.
56-60: You get a Magic-User, Druid, Bard, Illusionist, whatever, some weird spell because your god is weird like that.
61-62: You're a tool of the gods. Once per day your god possesses you bodily and wields you as a weapon. You do double damage for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom score but take double damage as well, because the gods aren't blocking and shit because you're considered disposable.
63-67: Roll a mutation. You get the opposite of that.
68-70: Roll a mutation.
71: Animals steer clear of you, and you reduce all wandering monster checks by 1. When you corner someone or something, though, you inflict a -1 reaction adjustment on the group.
72-74: You can instantly kill plants and animals possessing less than 1 hit die, a number of times a day equal to Wisdom bonus.
75: Your skin is etched with some cleric spells, roll these up like a magic scroll. The entire spell must be visible to be cast, so you may end up naked.
76-80: Your blood is a healing potion. You can, at will, do 1d4+1 damage to yourself to restore 1d6 HP to a willing creature.
81: You can wear any armor.
82: You can use any weapon.
83-90: You have 2/6 chance to Detect Evil, which you may attempt without consequence as many times per day as you wish. Roll this again for 3/6, etc.
91-95: Your blood is poison. Anything biting or physically contacting your blood must make a save or take 1d6+1 poison damage.
96: You know everything there is to know about a specific place, including its history, the major figures of its past, or its key figures. No secrets. This will come into play within 2 sessions.
97: You know everything there is to know about an object or creature (50%). This will come into play the very next session.
98: Choose a mundane material. Once per day, your touch ruins Wisdom+Level pounds of this material.
99: You can transfer the power of your god to your allies. You go into a fit and spirits leave your body. Reduce any ability score by 1, improving the same ability in an ally by 1. You may do this as many times as you want, but be warned: your allies lose this bonus at the end of the day, but you do not regain these points automatically, and must rest for a full day for each point donated in this way in order to properly recover.
100: Choose a specific kind of monster. Skeleton, red dragon, spider, anything but like humans and normal demihumans. That monster will never attack you unless you attack it first.
Saves: as Cleric
Attacks: as Cleric
Advances: as Cleric
Prime Requisites: Wisdom and Constitution. Characters with a 13 in both Wisdom and Constitution get +5% to XP.
- Omens do not wear armor, but add their Wisdom bonus to any Dexterity bonus they get to AC. They may use any weapon a Cleric can use, as well as Holy Symbols. An Omen wielding a holy symbol may burn any evil creature it comes into contact with as holy water for every round it remains in contact.
- Omens are by definition Marked: they have some visible, obvious identifier (like the little horn on the guy from Tai Chi Zero) and some unique effect associated with it (you're invisible to orcs, or maybe you can run your blood across the door to act as a limited protection spell). You may just roll one mutation on any table for this, remembering only that your difference must be obvious from looking at you or spending a brief amount of time with you. Some Omens may use their own Mark as a holy symbol.
- Each day you can ask a number of questions about your dreams or the dreams of others equal to your Wisdom bonus +1.
At first level and each time you level, roll once on the table below.
1-20: +1 to hit.
21-40: +1 to saves.
41-50: You get a spell slot, roll for a spell on the appropriate table.
51-55: Roll for a spell, and you can attempt to cast that spell (by rolling a 1 on a d6) a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Roll this again and 2/6, etc. Failure has consequences.
56-60: You get a Magic-User, Druid, Bard, Illusionist, whatever, some weird spell because your god is weird like that.
61-62: You're a tool of the gods. Once per day your god possesses you bodily and wields you as a weapon. You do double damage for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom score but take double damage as well, because the gods aren't blocking and shit because you're considered disposable.
63-67: Roll a mutation. You get the opposite of that.
68-70: Roll a mutation.
71: Animals steer clear of you, and you reduce all wandering monster checks by 1. When you corner someone or something, though, you inflict a -1 reaction adjustment on the group.
72-74: You can instantly kill plants and animals possessing less than 1 hit die, a number of times a day equal to Wisdom bonus.
75: Your skin is etched with some cleric spells, roll these up like a magic scroll. The entire spell must be visible to be cast, so you may end up naked.
76-80: Your blood is a healing potion. You can, at will, do 1d4+1 damage to yourself to restore 1d6 HP to a willing creature.
81: You can wear any armor.
82: You can use any weapon.
83-90: You have 2/6 chance to Detect Evil, which you may attempt without consequence as many times per day as you wish. Roll this again for 3/6, etc.
91-95: Your blood is poison. Anything biting or physically contacting your blood must make a save or take 1d6+1 poison damage.
96: You know everything there is to know about a specific place, including its history, the major figures of its past, or its key figures. No secrets. This will come into play within 2 sessions.
97: You know everything there is to know about an object or creature (50%). This will come into play the very next session.
98: Choose a mundane material. Once per day, your touch ruins Wisdom+Level pounds of this material.
99: You can transfer the power of your god to your allies. You go into a fit and spirits leave your body. Reduce any ability score by 1, improving the same ability in an ally by 1. You may do this as many times as you want, but be warned: your allies lose this bonus at the end of the day, but you do not regain these points automatically, and must rest for a full day for each point donated in this way in order to properly recover.
100: Choose a specific kind of monster. Skeleton, red dragon, spider, anything but like humans and normal demihumans. That monster will never attack you unless you attack it first.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The Brainiac
I took some inspiration from the Lamentations of Flame Princess Specialist and Rolang's Illusionist and decided to try a very Specialist-y, self-policing, self-defeating mentalist. Think of it as a form of magic limited to extending a user's direct physical influence, instead of a whole new power source or anything.
Saves: as Thief
Attacks: as Thief
Advances: as Dwarf
Requirements: Constitution 9, Intelligence 9
At level 7, a Brainiac may receive information with Telepathy, as well as transmit.
A Brainiac may attempt to use her gifts as many times per day as she likes, with two major caveats:
1) DM rolls their die, and may allow them to believe an erroneous result.
2) A normal botch (6) results in psychic backlash, reducing Constitution by 1 point. A major botch (6, then 6 again) reduces Constitution by 2 points. Brainiacs lose all Biofeedback bonus until their Constitution is restored, at a rate of 1 point per day. It is possible to die from psychic backlash if the reduction in Constitution reduces your Hit Points to 0 or fewer, and it is possible to die if your Constitution is reduced to 0 or less.
At level 9 Brainiacs may convene a network of Psychic Friends. These may be other PCs or NPCs but always equal the Brainiac's level. These beings can always sense one another, can freely communicate with one another, and their communications and sensations are not impeded by distance.
Brainiacs may advance to level 16.
HD: d4Saves: as Thief
Attacks: as Thief
Advances: as Dwarf
Requirements: Constitution 9, Intelligence 9
- Brainiacs may wear leather armor and use any weapon a Magic-User can use.
- Brainiacs can enter a trance once per day for four hours, gaining all the benefits of restful sleep.
- Intuition- Guessing the intent of something or someone.
- Telepathy- Conveying a thought, image, or idea mentally, at an effective range in feet of the Brainiac's Wisdom.
- Telekinesis- Manipulating physical objects with mental force. Use Wisdom as range and Intelligence as strength.
- Pyrokinesis- Lighting things on fire as if you had a torch. Use Wisdom as range.
- Misdirection- Confusing or misleading a target's perceptions. They get a save for this one, against the Brainiac's Intelligence.
- Empathy- Reading or imbuing an emotional state. Range is Brainiac's Charisma.
- Biofeedback- Force of will and total control of mind and body give you a bonus to AC.
At level 7, a Brainiac may receive information with Telepathy, as well as transmit.
A Brainiac may attempt to use her gifts as many times per day as she likes, with two major caveats:
1) DM rolls their die, and may allow them to believe an erroneous result.
2) A normal botch (6) results in psychic backlash, reducing Constitution by 1 point. A major botch (6, then 6 again) reduces Constitution by 2 points. Brainiacs lose all Biofeedback bonus until their Constitution is restored, at a rate of 1 point per day. It is possible to die from psychic backlash if the reduction in Constitution reduces your Hit Points to 0 or fewer, and it is possible to die if your Constitution is reduced to 0 or less.
At level 9 Brainiacs may convene a network of Psychic Friends. These may be other PCs or NPCs but always equal the Brainiac's level. These beings can always sense one another, can freely communicate with one another, and their communications and sensations are not impeded by distance.
Brainiacs may advance to level 16.
Shock Value,
Monday, July 29, 2013
Treating Familiars As A Class
HD: d4
Save as: MU
Attack as: Thief
Advance as: MU
Restrictions: In Arcis Enumre, Elfs and Magic-Users wishing to begin play with a Familiar must sacrifice all their starting Gold. Elfs from the Coldquarter can create a Familiar for free. Crafting a Familiar requires special ingredients and a week of work.
However, generally, a Magic-User or Elf must have an Intelligence or Wisdom of 9 or better to craft a Familiar.
Familiars can wear no weapons or armor. Their AC begins at 9 and is improved by their own Dexterity bonus and their master’s Intelligence bonus. Their attacks have a magical potency and do 1d4 on a hit. A Familiar can strike an enemy unaware of their presence for double damage.
They cannot use magic items unless they were made for Familiars or animal use. Familiars may not have retainers themselves. They begin play with infravision and the ability to speak with their masters and to speak with other Familiars. It has a morale of 12, and permanently reduces its master’s maximum number of retainers by 1.
Any animal smaller than a Human with 1HD or less can be made into a Familiar, excluding Player Classes such as Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings. DMs have final say whether a creature may be a Familiar. Familiars use their master’s hit die (d4) and their own Constitution score to determine HP, unless their HD is modified on one of the tables below.
At time of creation, Magic-Users invest their Familiar with one random ability. Roll once on the Create Familiar table below:
1) You gain a spell slot, and your master can invest you with a spell from his spellbook
2) Improve your HD to d6
3) Improve your natural attack damage to d6
4) Speak Elf (or whatever the common tongue of the setting is)
5) Speak to all creatures of your kind
6) Your master can see through your eyes for 1 turn a number of times a day equal to the highest level spell he can cast.
7) Mutation: roll once on any table, add effect
8) Permanent magical effect: draw 1 card from loot deck, apply any
At first level and each time a Familiar levels, roll d100 once on the table below. The DM may ask you to reroll duplicate results at his discretion.
1-20: Your saves improve by 1.
21-30: You gain a spell slot
31-35: Your HD improves by 1 step (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc)
36-40: Your natural attack damage increases by 1 step (d4 to d6 etc)
41: You learn a new spell, which you may share with your master.
42-44: Random mutation, roll on any mutant chart.
45-50: You can detect secret doors as an Elf.
51: Your size increases enough that you do +1 damage with your natural attack.
52: Your size decreases enough that you get a 1 point bonus to AC.
53-54: You can speak a language your master knows, in addition to any languages you speak already.
55: You can speak any one language, whether your master knows it or not.
56: Your appearance is frightening enough that enemy creatures take a -1 to saves.
57-59: Your base speed in all movement speeds increase by 10ft.
60: When you successfully hit with your natural attack, and are capable of casting spells, you may cast that spell upon hit as with the Muscle Wizard. If you are incapable of casting spells, roll again.
61-65: You can only be surprised on a roll of 1 on a d6, and may alert your master, who may alert her comrades.
66-67: You have a 20% chance of determining the nature of a magical item or potion after spending just a few moments with it.
68-69: 1d3 animals of your type, if they’re even around, begin following you, and will defend themselves if threatened directly.
70-72: You have a 20% chance of following scents or tracks.
73: You gain an additional natural attack per round.
74-75: You gain a Barrel Point.
76-85: You gain +1 to hit
86: You gain a breath weapon once per day. The target gets a save. If the save is successful, they are confused for a number of rounds equal to your master’s level. If they fail the save, they are charmed for a number of rounds equal to your master’s level. You may affect 2d4HD worth of creatures with this power.
87-89: You can detect traps as a Dwarf.
90-93: You can Move Silently as a Thief
94: You earn 5% bonus XP.
95: You earn 10% bonus XP.
96: Your master may cast any spell through you remotely.
97: You and your master gain 1d4 permanent hit points.
98: You gain a Fly speed of 120/30’, or your fly speed improves by 50%.
99: Enemies take a -2 to saves against spells cast by you or your master.
100: Your size increases to the point where you may be ridden like a mount by your master but gain no additional benefits.
Familiars can advance as far as 16th level but do not begin to gain experience until the first time their master levels after creating them. Familiars cannot be resurrected, but a Magic-User or Elf can get a new Familiar after the first one dies.
If a Familiar dies, there are consequences for its master. If a Familiar’s master dies, the Familiar dies and there are still some dire consequences left to deal with y’all.
So why am I doing this, and why this way? I've been thinking about retainers, and familiars, and the advice in the Basic rules on retainers that beginner players should just play an additional character to make their party robust when they're first starting out. I mean that's where we land with retainers, really, especially when the same book restricts them that they can't be higher level than the PC hiring them. It's just that I'm the one who stats them up. I also know that since I mentioned Arcis Enumre's Stray Parliament to my boss she's been interested in doing a game with them, an interest my players have already voiced as well. But I don't want to just make a magic animal class, do I? Actually, it seems to be the simplest way to do things. Well, saying "No" would be simplest but I don't want to.
So: you can't just create a Familiar. You can create an Elf or Magic-User, IF you get the rolls of course (3d6 in order kids!), and then elect to begin the game broke as a joke in order to have a Familiar. You throw all your gold away and with it your ability to hire normal retainers for a little while for the privilege of owning not just a second PC but a weird unusual mostly unique second PC whose life and mind are tied to yours. You can always opt in later, or even replace Familiars, although chances are you won't want to.
So I made 'em the NPC-class-that's-a-PC-class, sort of. Modeled them partly on the Labyrinth Lord-Compatible Mutant Future character generation rules (which btw players are all right by me for these games) and partly on +Zak Smith's Random Wizard, as well as the work of James Young.
I don't know if anybody else can use them but if so here they are.
Arcis Enumre,
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Veteran Edges- Fighter Leveling Options
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Level 9 Fighter |
So: Fighters who receive no Constitution bonus (using the B/X bonus charts) to their HD roll at a given level still get a benefit as long as they have INT 13 or above. Alternatively, a Fighter may always simply forgo his Constitution bonus HP in order to qualify for one of these Veteran Edges.
These aren't quite balanced and each Edge can be taken only once unless specified otherwise. These Edges automatically improve 5 levels after you get them.
Leader of Men- Improve your retainer morale by 1. THEN: Improve your maximum retainers by 1. You can take this Edge twice.
Steel-Eyed- You can determine the place of origin of any forged weapon or armor. THEN: You can determine who made any forged weapon or armor.
Did Hawkeye Steal That Jeep?- In any non-hostile settlement, you can find a horse to buy for cheap. THEN: Any horse you hop on in the heat of combat pursuit is not only combat trained, but is also Just Yours Now, the way wild west heroes' horses are always right there when they need them.
Never Let Your Guard Down- You sleep with your eyes open, and are not helpless while you sleep. NEXT: You sleep with your boots and armor on, still getting a full night's rest in half the time.
Snake Handler- +1 to saves vs. Poison, stacks with other save bonuses. NEXT: Grant others a +1 to saves vs. Poison by sucking the poison from the wound.
Outdoorsman- Your movement is never hindered due to environmental conditions. NEXT: If properly camouflaged, you can surprise an enemy on a roll of 1-3.
Pull- Your shots with a longbow or shortbow ignore long-range penalties. NEXT: Your shots with longbow or shortbow increase short range to-hit bonus by +1. (For XXR firearms translate this into +1 to hit, and then an additional +1 five levels later.)
My Elf's A Little Rusty- You recognize a language the rest of the party has not heard before, though you cannot speak more than three words of it. NEXT: You gain a floating language; the next time the party encounters a language nobody has heard before, you can declare that, actually, YOUR character can speak that language like a native. You can take this Edge three times.
Beware My Blade- Your weapon has a name, and people who know it are suitably impressed when you tell them that, yes, this is Bloodblack. NEXT: Your weapon has a second name, as in Bloodblack the Thane-Hewer, and everyone in the nearby lands knows it and is suitably cowed when you start screaming about your awesome sword. You can take this Edge once for each weapon you own.
You Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?- You can elect to take a permanent, visible, identifying scar from a fight in order to recover a full 1d6 from bed rest. NEXT: On your next successful carousing roll, you can perpetrate one self-serving rumor about how you REALLY got that scar.
Field Triage- You may administer first aid mid-combat. On your place in initiative the target of your good graces must make a saving throw (Paralysis in five-save, Tricky/Medium save for XXR). On a successful save they gain 1HP, on a failed save they lose 1HP. NEXT: The save gets easier (death save/Easy save).
Is It A Man Or Demon?- A named foe you have faced and survived before will always believe you have some preternatural edge - a magic spell, a talking sword, something. NEXT: Said foe must Save vs Spells (Hard save for XXR) when next meeting you or suffer the effects of a Fear spell.
I Know A Guy- Once per session in any settlement or city you know of a person (only by reputation) who can provide a piece of knowledge. NEXT: You have a personal acquaintanceship with someone who can provide a tangible benefit (gear, shelter, supplies, enchantment, etc).
Catlike Bastard- You can see in dim light as normal light for your Constitution x3'. NEXT: Improve to Constitution x6' and you can differentiate details like color and texture.
This Was Before The War- What's the pool up to? I was a teacher. A pastime of peacetime serves you well, and you know 1 fun fact or trade secret that can help you out in a dungeon, like maybe you know about types of spiders or how to properly butcher a stag. NEXT: You know a number of these secrets equal to your Intellect bonus, minimum 2. (In XXR terms this translates to a 1pt improvement to your career skill, then an additional 1pt improvement five levels later.)
Anyway It's All In The Reflexes- You never have to roll to catch anything thrown to you or falling toward you, so long as it is not part of an attack. NEXT: You can even make a saving throw (death/Easy) to catch projectiles you are attacked with.
N-N-N-N-Nineteen- You never suffer from discrimination or judgment based on your age...your skills speak for themselves. NEXT: You never suffer from mechanical disadvantages of aging.
My Father's Watch- You possess a keepsake that can never be taken from you except by supranatural means. NEXT: Even if taken by magic or bullshit you can always find it and reclaim it again.
Steady Nerves- You can roll twice for any check related to alcohol, including carousing rolls. NEXT: You suffer no mechanical penalties for combat or morale due to alcohol.
It's Up To You- When you die you can appoint someone to take over for you, either filling your duties or avenging you. This person is considered to have Charisma 18 when it comes to carrying on your legacy. NEXT: They also gain a permanent +1 to saves to avoid dying the same way you died.
It's A Small Town, You Wouldn't Know It- Whenever you describe where you're from roll 1d20. On a 20 the person you're talking to has for whatever reason a favorable opinion of that place and will behave Non-Hostile toward you. This cannot be used in combat. NEXT: Yes it can be used in combat, and when used outside of combat in a major city roll 1d10 instead.
Good Boy- Instead of training a dog with a number of commands equal to 3+ your Intellect bonus (which is what I often do) you can train them with a number of commands equal to your Intellect. NEXT: You can train them with commands equal to your level if that's higher than your Intellect, and if you have been missing for three days your dog will try to look for you.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
B/X Selkie Class
I've seen a lot of monster classes including a lot of caveman types, a lot of mermaids, and a lot of werewolves. I don't see why we can't have all three at once, so I made this.
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Sea Monster! |
Saves: as Halfling
Attacks: as Halfling
Advances: as Halfling
Requirements: Constitution 9, Dexterity 9
Prime Requisite: Strength; Selkies with Strength 13 or better gain 5% bonus xp, Selkies who also have Charisma 13 or better gain 10% bonus xp.
- Selkies can wear leather or fur armor in human form but find anything else too constricting. They cannot use shields. They can use spears, staffs, javelins, daggers, or clubs. They get +1 irony bonus to hit and damage with clubs.
- Selkies can communicate with other Selkies in either form.
- Selkies who die in their human form turn to seafoam, and can only be resurrected using their seal skin.
- Selkies can advance to 12th level.
Selkies are a kind of leopard seal which hunts in packs and can transform into a beautiful if fearsome human form by removing their skin. Removing the skin takes a Turn followed by Save vs Petrification to avoid muscle fatigue from the transformation; a failed save means the Selkie will be unable to act for another Turn. In human form, the Selkie is an outsider, excited by new experiences and sensations. Becoming a seal again requires going back to their skin, re-dressing in it, and spending some time acclimating their muscles to the new form, processes which also take a Turn and a Saving Throw..
A Selkie can carry her skin with her at no encumbrance penalty but can only carry half the load a character of their strength normally could; their backs are not accustomed to that particular strain. A Selkie never wears her skin as armor in human form for reasons that we'll get to in a second.
In leopard seal form, the Selkie attacks as a 5HD monster (+4 to hit basically) at first level but can use the Selkie's to-hit-by-level if that is higher. She has an AC of 4 (15 ascending, 17 LotFP), and can attack twice per round, knocking their enemies prone or doing bite damage for 1d8 damage. Their land speed is 45'(15') and their swim speed is 180'(60'). Actually, even in human form they can swim at a full movement speed, rather than a reduced speed normal humans do. They do not take extra damage from silver weapons.
A Selkie's appetite is always enormous, and they prefer their food raw.
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raw? more like RAWR! What were we talking about again? |
Selkies reaching 10th level with access to a sea can collect a harem of seals. Seriously it's called a harem. Anyway, they attract 3d10 seals a year, with each seal having a 15% chance of being a Level 1 Selkie.
Selkies can smell the sea on a person, and can identify anyone who has traveled by sea in the last month. They can also smell out fish at 500 yards.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Horde Trooper B/X Class
I actually built these guys to slip into NPC parties when my group went to the Dwarf cliffs, but they never got near where I'd intended to use them. So I just put em on here as a class because hey who can ever have too many robot classes, right?
HD: d6
Saves: as Thief
Attacks: as Fighter
Advances: as Elf
Horde Troopers automatically fail Saves vs. Spells until level 5. At level 8, they attract 1d4 first level Horde Troopers to serve them, and an additional 1d4 per level. Horde Troopers can advance to level 10. At level 10, a Horde Trooper's Combat Rod is replaces with a scepter which does 1d12 damage at range and in melee, and must be saved against as a wizard's staff. This scepter also allows the Horde Trooper Leader to communicate with all his Horde Underlings over a distance of 10 miles.
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"You shut up! My Little Pony is a good show!" |
Saves: as Thief
Attacks: as Fighter
Advances: as Elf
Requirements: Strength 9, Constitution 9, Intelligence 7 or less
Prime Requisite: Strength; Horde Troopers with Strength of 13 or better get 5% bonus XP.- Horde Troopers wear Horde Armor which gives a base AC of 5. However, they have a 2 point AC bonus against handheld weapons and Strength based hand-to-hand attacks.
- Horde Troopers carry a Combat Rod which fires as a burst of air which can injure or stun, acting like a Longbow with damage and range. It can be used as a club, doing 1d6 damage. Horde Troopers get a +2 to attack and damage when using this weapon. Horde Troopers are also proficient with staffs and crossbows.
- Horde Troopers cannot be healed through magic or potions, and can only heal through rest and diligent self-repair. They cannot be raised from the dead, typically self-destructing when killed (or being flattened or pounded into the ground or something wacky).
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Somethin for th' llllladies... |
Friday, February 22, 2013
Arcis Enumre- Rockpriest (Cleric and Dwarf Variant)
There's nothing stopping this kind of class from being more broadly applicable but I mostly put it together because I wanted to help emphasize the godlessness and divine disconnect of Elfs in this setting. Also the "cliche" of the dwarven paladin was an interesting one to stumble across when I was first getting into this hobby.
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from Warhammer Online |
Save: as Dwarf
Attack: as Dwarf
Advance: as Cleric
Requirements: Strength 9, Constitution 9, Wisdom9
- Rockpriests may use only a quarterstaff or magic staff as weapons or as/in addition to their holy symbol.
- Rockpriests may wear any armor, but may not use shields.
- Rockpriests begin with 1 spell from the Cleric's spell list at 1st level, and gain Cleric spells at the same rate as a Magic-User.
- Rockpriests have infravision 60', allowing them to see in the dark.
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by Rayph |
A Rockpriest spends all their time steaming drunk. It's the only way they can properly commune with the gods to cast their spells. When thoroughly drunk, a Rockpriest is -4 to hit with weapons, as if blinded, but suffers no other penalties of blindness. Rockpriests in this state cannot speak any language except Dwarf and Elf, though they understand any language they know. There are upsides to this holy state, however. A Rockpriest in this state is aligned with both the Spiritual and Physical planes, and all saving against their spells save at -4, a penalty which stacks with any other penalties to saving vs. spells.
All Rockpriests know both Spiritus and Material.
Old or Boring
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Shyguy B/X Class
I'm a huge fan of the first two Paper Mario games, and to a lesser extend the third one. I've long kicked around the idea of doing a table-top game with it since it's ready made for the idea, at least if people stick to playing the kinds of characters who are often Mario's sidekicks in these games. The Shyguy works really well as a kind of Fighter-Also but I ultimately think I'd go with Savage Worlds or something for a full-on game of Mario RPG.
Save: as Halfling
Attack: as Cleric
Advance: as Cleric
Requirements: 8+ in all Ability Scores.
- Shyguys cannot use armor or shields. They are pretty much always dressed as some variant of Shyguy, mask and all. They get +/- 2 AC for this.
- Shyguys can use any weapon, but only one kind of weapon at a time. Their name changes to reflect this, e.g. if they pick up a spear at first level they are now Spear Guy and can use any spears they find but only spears. They may learn a new type of weapon in play, but are then restricted to that. It takes a full day for every session you've spent with your previous Name Weapon to get used to a new Name Weapon. Shyguys add their level in damage to their Name Weapon.
- Shyguys are all either Clever, Sneaky, Nimble, or Tough.
- Clever Guys have a magic comic book that describes a number of First Tier spells equal to their Intelligence Bonus.
- Sneaky Guys have all the ability to Hide as a Thief of their level, but no other Thief abilities. If you're using LOTFP I guess this would mean they have Stealth 5/6 at level 1 and then Stealth 6/6 after.
- Nimble Guys can make a free movement whenever they are attacked. They get a +1 damage bonus with ranged attacks.
- Tough Guys ignore the first attack that any creature makes against them. This does not include things like gaze attacks or paralyzing touch or magic missile, but it does include big area attacks like Breath Weapons which would include them.
- Shyguys are considered to have Charisma 18 for the purpose of hiring or keeping Shyguy retainers.
- When retreating, Shyguys will always trip on their robes once, because that's just adorable.
- Shyguys speak the Common tongue as well as the secret whisper-language of the Shyguys.
- At level 5, a Shyguy's Name Weapon may be a magic item like a rod, wand, or staff. If these items do damage then the Shyguy's Name Weapon bonus will apply to all damage. If the item is limited to a number of charges, the Shyguy gets 1d6+1 additional charges out of the item. If it is limited to a number of uses per day, the Shyguy can use that item an additional time per day.
- At level 8, they get a Job. Their Job determines their additional abilities and also lets them order any Shyguy without a Job as if that Shyguy were one of their retainers. Shyguys become either Generals, Scholars, Crooks, or Knights
- As long as Generals have retainers they can elect for a retainer to take damage from an attack or from falling instead of them. Morale and reputation never suffer when Shyguy retainers are sacrificed in this way.
- Scholars know a number of total languages (including the languages and any bonus languages from 1st level) equal to their Intelligence, and a number of First Tier spells (including any spells gained at 1st level) equal to their level.
- Crooks gain all additional abilities of a Thief half their level. If you're using LOTFP that means pick two skills other than sneak attack, you have those 6/6.
- Knights can use all armor, and reroll any save which they critically fail a number of times per day equal to their Constitution score.
- At level 10, they may assemble an Engine, a land-going vessel which can house a deceptively large number of Shyguys (up to 100), has AC -3/21, can absorb 10+1 HD of damage, and does damage equal to the Shyguy General's hit points. For every million points of XP a Shyguy acquires beyond level 10, their Engine's HD is improved (10+2, followed by 10+3, etc).
- Shyguys may advance to level 10.
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Sexy-Librarian-Guy |
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Arcis Enumre- Scrivener (Magic User Variant)
Bards are a weird catch-all class and as time has gone by they've picked up more and more abilities that don't quite fit anywhere or aren't enough to fill up a whole class. They're minstrels, they're magicians, they're illusionists, they're thieves, they're fighters, they're Dirk Benedict from the A-Team, they're assassins and great at poison for some reason.....I wanted to make a bard that was a bard like Shakespeare was a bard, tying into some of my feelings about Magic-Users. I wanted an option for a class whose knowledge of magic is incidental to their real interests. I also wanted a class of adventurers from the opening of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. I don't know that they quite work as a class to themselves and I think for the most part I'm just going to rely on Alternative Spellcasting for the same effect.
HD: d4
Save: as Magic User
Attack: as Magic User
Advance: as Thief
Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Constitution 8 or lower
Prime Requisite: Intelligence; Scriveners with Intelligence 18 earn 5% bonus xp.
1 None/Enchant
2 Read Magic
3 Comprehend Languages
4 Locate Object
6 Clairvoyance
7 Dispel Magic
8 Charm Person, Charm Monster
9 Mirror Image, Remove Curse
10 Infravision, Contact Higher Plane
11 Confusion, Feeblemind
12 Sleep, Geas
Scriveners are sometimes called Scribes or Bards (in the master poet and storyteller sense not the Sister Golden Hair sense) and have the ability to Enchant a number of times per day equal to their level. Scriveners possess no unique magical aptitude and acquire their abilities through repetition over a long time. Eventually, they know certain stories, jokes, curses, legends, and riddles inside and out.
A Scrivener can Enchant a group equal in number to the Scrivener's total Hit Dice (or the Scrivener's Hit Die's value of non-HD peoples or creatures). A Scrivener must share a language with his audience at first level, but may cast Comprehend Languages as a free action after 3rd level to facilitate. A Scrivener may Enchant his audience for a number of minutes equal to the highest value of his combined Hit Dice. In this manner a level 12 Scrivener could Enchant 12HD worth of creatures 12 times per day for 48 minutes each, assuming he always shared a language with his audience.
Creatures who are thus Enchanted get a Save vs. Wands to resist. Otherwise, the creatures are captivated by the Scrivener, unable to leave or attack or do anything other than laugh, cry, or ask questions. This effect ends if the targets are attacked. After the Enchantment ends, affected targets must make a Morale save or else either leave the Scrivener in peace or treat him as 1 level better on a reaction table.
Scriveners are always old.
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Bartleby Art by Rebecca Dart |
Save: as Magic User
Attack: as Magic User
Advance: as Thief
Requirements: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Constitution 8 or lower
Prime Requisite: Intelligence; Scriveners with Intelligence 18 earn 5% bonus xp.
- Scriveners roll 1d6x10 for their starting gold.
- Scriveners do not receive a spell at 1st level, but are considered to have a spell slot for the purpose of Enchantment.
- Scriveners have a locked spell progression (see below, but not as far below).
- Scriveners can use Cleric spells inscribed on scrolls.
- Scriveners know one additional language. Scriveners can copy a book in a week or write a book in a month.
- Scriveners can create 1 one-spell scroll per day at level 3, and another at level 9.
- Scriveners of level 6+ are considered to have certain texts memorized; any text the Scrivener has copied 10 times or more (up to the Scrivener's level) may be denoted as Favorite Works. The Scrivener may expend Clairvoyance in order to recall a single fact from any of these texts.
- Scriveners have limited advancement opportunities and are usually poor or lower class; they advance to level 12 and cannot build keeps or hold domains.
- A Scrivener may expend a spell slot to Enchant.
1 None/Enchant
2 Read Magic
3 Comprehend Languages
4 Locate Object
6 Clairvoyance
7 Dispel Magic
8 Charm Person, Charm Monster
9 Mirror Image, Remove Curse
10 Infravision, Contact Higher Plane
11 Confusion, Feeblemind
12 Sleep, Geas
Scriveners are sometimes called Scribes or Bards (in the master poet and storyteller sense not the Sister Golden Hair sense) and have the ability to Enchant a number of times per day equal to their level. Scriveners possess no unique magical aptitude and acquire their abilities through repetition over a long time. Eventually, they know certain stories, jokes, curses, legends, and riddles inside and out.
A Scrivener can Enchant a group equal in number to the Scrivener's total Hit Dice (or the Scrivener's Hit Die's value of non-HD peoples or creatures). A Scrivener must share a language with his audience at first level, but may cast Comprehend Languages as a free action after 3rd level to facilitate. A Scrivener may Enchant his audience for a number of minutes equal to the highest value of his combined Hit Dice. In this manner a level 12 Scrivener could Enchant 12HD worth of creatures 12 times per day for 48 minutes each, assuming he always shared a language with his audience.
Creatures who are thus Enchanted get a Save vs. Wands to resist. Otherwise, the creatures are captivated by the Scrivener, unable to leave or attack or do anything other than laugh, cry, or ask questions. This effect ends if the targets are attacked. After the Enchantment ends, affected targets must make a Morale save or else either leave the Scrivener in peace or treat him as 1 level better on a reaction table.
Scriveners are always old.
Old or Boring
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Arcis Enumre- Gentleman (Thief Variant)
There's nothing stopping someone from being a dashing, gentlemantly Thief using the existing rules. Their special abilities don't particularly give them fun tools to play with if they go that route, and it's a good opportunity to appropriate a few Bard abilities for a game with no true Bards....
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art by Darwyn Cooke |
Save: as thief
Attack: as Thief
Advance: as Thief
Requirements: Intelligence 9, Charisma 9
Prime Requisite: Dexterity; Gentlemen (or women) with a Dexterity of 16 or higher get +5% bonus xp.
- Gentlemen may wear leather armor, or may have their clothes fitted with unobtrusive hidden protection to act as leather armor for twice the normal price for leather armor. They may not use shields.
- Gentlemen may use any weapon which they can conceal on their person, and as such are prohibited from using two-handed weapons.
- Gentlemen advance their abilities in a manner similar to a Thief's progression of skills. The skills Open Locks and Find/Remove Traps stay the same, and Pick Pockets improves, but their other skills change, and advance as below.
- A Gentleman's social requirements and professional engagements prevent him from advancing beyond 16th level.
Sleight of Hand governs a Gentleman's ability to perform simple illusions such as making something appear, disappear, or change through simple technique, or in other words their ability to employ pick-pocket-like trickery unnoticed even when directly observed, as with a stage magician; Move Unseen, if you will. Gentlemen do not scurry about; instead they attempt to Fascinate people, holding their attention and curiosity for long periods of time and allowing others to scurry about unnoticed instead. Despite this, the Gentleman can be adept at Blending Into a Crowd, ceasing to be anything but a face among faces, if presented with the opportunity, as a Thief might with shadows. A Gentleman's instincts may give him a sense or hunch when danger is near, or if they are missing something, but unlike Hear Noise may not grant the Gentleman any indication of the direction or nature of that danger. Gentlemen receive an extra skill, Cover, which governs not only rudimentary skill at disguise but also the ability to maintain a persona or lie convincingly in the face of danger.
Operating under the auspices of these abilities a Gentleman need not be hidden or have surprise in order to Sneak Attack someone.
Gentlemen know how to treat their lessers, and retainers of Gentlemen have their morale improved by 1.
Old or Boring
Arcis Enumre- Pacifist Class (Fighter Variant)
I'm a big fan of all the classic classes and that includes later inventions like the Monk and Paladin and such, and yes even the Bard. But there's nothing purely sacred about the way a lot of these classes are put together, and I wanted to play around and see what kinds of options I could present for my players by taking aspects of classes and exploding them across multiple different classes, making these sort of rules variants on the core classes, or something close to what Pathfinder did where some class Archetypes replace almost every feature of a class while still recognizably being that class. In this first instance, I made a Fighter who had the moral code of the Paladin and the implied open-palm sanctity-of-life aspect of Shaolin Monks that would work with a few different class interpretations. I also had one of my players in mind, because he generally had a problem killing creatures.
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Gordon Fucking Liu |
HD: d8
Save: as Fighter
Attack: as Fighter
Advance: as Cleric
Requirements: Dexterity 9, Wisdom9
Prime Requisite: Strength; Pacifists with a Strength of 13 or better earn 5% bonus xp.
- Pacifists may use any weapon against unliving or undead targets but if they kill a living person or creature with it, even accidentally, they must surrender that weapon and give up the use of weapons of that type forever.
- A Pacifist may wear any armor, and may use a shield with any armor except plate. A Pacifist uses the higher value of her Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity to determine any Dexterity bonus to AC (but not to missiles or initiative).
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art by Cliff Chiang et al, from DC's New 52 Wonder Woman #10 |
Pacifists may intentionally "take" a hit. Those doing so may deal 1d12 unblockable unlethal damage to their attacker.
Pacifists know a form of pidgin Spiritus and, all else being equal, are preferred over normal Fighters in some temples.
Old or Boring
Arcis Enumre- Cuckoo Class
The idea with this was something like doing Yotsuba or Mr. Magoo as a class, a character protected by their own divine obliviousness. I also quite liked the idea of the really intelligent and aware character who projected that persona to unbalance his enemies, hence the Tom Baker photo. Someone it was impossible to get the drop on or outmaneuver not because they are so damn amazing and clever but because they're unphazed in the face of the amazing and find amazingness in the mundane instead.
HD: d6Save: as Cleric
Attack: as Cleric
Advance: as Cleric
- Cuckoos may not wear armor. They may use any weapon they find but the weapon has a 1/6 chance of breaking or being absent-mindedly discarded after any fight, and they cannot buy weapons unless weapons are the only thing available to buy in a shop.
- Cuckoos add their level to hit and damage with an improvised weapon.
- A number of times per day equal to their level a Cuckoo can be distracted by something else and declare their Obliviousness in the face of danger and consider their AC to be 0/19 for an attack.
- Cuckoos speak Cuckoo and Elf, Arcane, as well as the languages of Pixies and Goblins.
- In a combat situation where the Cuckoo is one of several potential targets, a hostile creature must roll a 1-2 on a d6 in order to attack the Cuckoo first. After the creature's first attack, it may notice the Cuckoo and attack freely.
- Cuckoos may babble in Cuckoo once per day to distract. Babbling is usable once per day, gaining an additional use per day at levels 4, 7, and 10.
- Cuckoos may advance to 10th level.
Babble which distracts those around the Cuckoo may have one of two major effects. When used during an encounter, the Cuckoo may use this distraction to swap places in initiative with her enemy, or automatically have her party go first in simple initiative. In roleplaying interactions, the Cuckoo can avoid unwanted attention by confusing those around her, beginning a conversation over again from scratch as if for the first time. If this effect is attempted in a large enough group, the group collectively gets a save vs. spell effect, with the Cuckoo's Wisdom score being the DC for the save.
As they level a Cuckoo amasses a Collection. This can be a library, a bag of trinkets, charms on a bracelet, etc. There are pieces in this collection equal to their Level+Wisdom Score. Any time you want to see if you have an item in this collection relevant to the situation at hand, roll 1d100. Rolling equal to/less than the current size of your Collection means that item is in your Collection. You lose things and use them up and give them away all the time, so what's in your Collection at any given time changes a lot, requiring a new roll each time. For every 105000 xp after level 10 you add 1d10 pieces to your Collection.
Cuckoos can steal anything worth 1 copper without making a check roll.
Additionally, Cuckoos with high ability scores have the following attributes
Strength 13+: You may wear leather armor. You may use any shield you find but have 1/6 chance of losing it or breaking it after each fight.
Constitution 13+: You save as a Dwarf.
Dexterity 13+: You may backstab creatures who are unaware of your presence for double damage.
Intelligence 13+: You level as a Thief.
Wisdom 13+: You may Search for things which are neither treasure nor traps at 4/6.
Charisma 13+: You gain a Pet at Charisma 13, 2 at 15, 3 at 17, 4 at 18. These are mundane non-talking non-magical animals who are not specially trained with 1HD or less. These do not count against your number of Retainers.
Cuckoos reaching level 10 become Cuckoo Kachoos. Kachoos do whatever they want, and are cleverer than given credit for.
- Obliviousness uses may instead be spent on Saving Throws.
- Babble uses may instead be spent to reroll to hit or damage rolls.
- You may check your Collection 1/day to mimic the effects of a magic spell, turn undead, a skill roll, or a natural 20.
- Kachoos are never the first to be attacked if there are other targets presenting (excepting obvious exceptions).
Old or Boring
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Arcis Enumre- Crocmen Class
My wife wanted to play something like the Dragonborn character she had played in a friend's game so I bashed this together. It serves as a pretty decent template for almost all "beastmen"-type character race-classes, really, though if I'd remembered the Labyrinth Lord-compatible Mutant Future Mutant Animal generation rules I'd have just had her use those at the time. No reason we can't use both, though.
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custom figure by "GrownNerd" |
Save: as Fighter
Attack: as Fighter
Advance: as Fighter
Requirements: 9 Constitution, no greater than 9 Intellect or Charisma
Prime Requisites: Strength.
- Crocmen may wear no armor and are proficient with spears.
- Crocmen speak Crocman and have a 50% chance of knowing Elf.
- Crocmen may double their movement in water.
- Crocmen are always treated as wearing Leather Armor and shield, AC 6/AC 13
- Crocmen are always considered to be armed with a spear, accounting for damage from bites, claws, and tail slaps. They are also always considered +1 to force doors or grab/hold.
- Crocmen may never have retainers and are often gouged by the few reputable shops in Arcis Enumre which agree to trade with them.
- Crocmen can "hide in shadows" as a Thief when in water, swamps, or tall grass.
- Crocmen never make a poison save for eating garbage.
- Crocmen may advance to level 8. At level 8 they may build and stock their own Dungeon, attracting up to 8HD worth of creatures, who may be replaced if they are killed. For every 100K XP after reaching level 8 they may attract an additional 8HD worth of creatures.
Old or Boring
Monday, February 11, 2013
Arcis Enumre- Gnome Class
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art by Kate Laird |
HD: d6
Save: as Thief
Attack: as Thief
Advance: as Thief
Requirements: No ability scores of 7 or less, or 5+ on 1d12
- Gnomes can use any armor except plate. Gnomes cannot use shields, or wield two-handed weapons.
- Gnomes speak Gnome and Common, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling.
- Gnomes can Hear Noise as a level 16 Thief.
- Gnomes get an additional bonus language each level. This can allow the Gnome to speak a new language or dialect, conversing with a new bunch of humans and demihumans, or as a very limited Speak-With-Animals ability; like, at level 1 you could choose "rats"...
- Gnomes can change size between 6" and 3' at will. Clothes and items they have made change with them but armor and weapons others have crafted do not.
- Gnomes can advance to 8th level. At level 8, gnomes gain an entourage and can use their status to find free food, drink, and quarters anywhere they are already known.
- Gnomes are also considered to always have chalk.
- Gnomes can eat rocks or gems to survive.
- Gnomes also receive a free pet or mount at 1st level.
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art by Raven Mimura |
Arcis Enumre,
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